In 2023, Axylia was certified B Corp , establishing as its raison d'être: "Axylia is committed to transforming the standards of finance in order to serve humanity and the planet, with an emphasis on transparency, authenticity and simplicity."
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The Wintegreat association
Wintegreat is a social start-up whose mission is to revive the professional projects of refugees.
The Start-Up Les Franjynes / The Unicancer Center
The start-up "Les Franjynes" was created in 2017 by Julie Meunier and offers an alternative to the traditional wig suitable for women suffering from alopecia (total loss of hair, especially following chemotherapy treatment). 5% of sales are donated to cancer research.
The application " CHECK TON PRODUIT ! " / Générations Futures
This database, unique and unprecedented in France, lists the properties, health and environmental impacts of active pesticides and biocides and makes it public free of charge.
The web series "Cobayes Squad" / Générations Cobayes
Cobayes Squad is the first online series released for free to massively inform 18-35 year olds about the links between health and the environment.
Radio stations for the homeless / Les Enfants du Canal
Axylia has enabled the Children of the Canal to offer 60 radio stations to homeless people. A beautiful idea that seduced us because when you are alone, a voice is a comfort, a presence and a source of escape.
IDEP (Indian Development Education Project)
IDEP primarily supports in villages of South India, micro-projects in school environment, born and carried by local initiatives. Vasantha Zeganadin, professional dancer of Bharatanatyam (classical dance from India) is a member of IDEP. Vasantha wowed us by dancing at the October 2015 Awards night.
Le Centre d'Action Citoyenne / Transparency International
Axylia supported the Centre d'Action Citoyenne. Its objective is to provide legal and moral support to those who want to act against corruption: whistleblowers, victims or ordinary vigilant citizens.
AP-HP Foundation - COVID 19 operation
The Paris Hospitals Foundation is a hospital foundation which acts in direct contact with the AP-HP teams, and helps to support the organization of care, hospital staff and research within the 39 hospitals that make up the 'AP – HP. In the context of the health crisis, Axylia wanted to support it.
ACTES Foundation - Supporting the Economic, Ecological and Social Transition
In 2017, SIDI wanted to create the ACTES Foundation in order to support actors who initiate new forms of "saving money" to meet the economic, social and ecological challenges affecting countries in the South and East, that particularly affect Axylia.